Purim and an NSV
Sunday is a Jewish holiday called Purim. Here is a quick run-down (very quick compared to the complexities and detail of the story- click here for a link to a good retelling of the story).
2,300 years ago in Persia, King Achashverosh reigned and he took a new queen who was Jewish, Esther, the niece of Mordechai. Mordechai uncovers a plot to assassinate the king, and gains favor with Achashverosh. Haman, King Achashverosh’s top advisor, required the subjects to bow to him, and Mordechai would not. So, Haman told the king that there were subjects who were disobeying the crown, and through trickery obtained a decree to kill all the Jews. Mordechai uncovered the plot to annihilate the Jews, and tells his niece, Esther, to warn the king. In those times it was unheard of and improper for the queen to go to the king uninvited, so this was a life-threatening proposal. Esther fasted for three days in preparation and prayer for the meeting with her new husband, and then approached him. Through some wheeling-dealing, Esther got everyone together at a meal, Haman thinking he was being honored and the king thinking he was doing a favor for the niece of the man who saved his life. At the banquet, Esther revealed Haman’s plan, Haman was deposed, and the Jews were saved.
Now that you know the outline of the story, there’s a quicker explanation that is said: Summing up the Purim holiday in 10 words or less: They tried to kill us, we won, let's eat. It’s traditional to hand out food gifts (called mishloach manot) to friends and it’s also said that it’s such a joyous holiday, you should be intoxicated to the point of not knowing the difference between ‘blessed be Mordechai’ and ‘cursed be Haman’. (some people say intoxicated with spiritual joy – but let’s face it, liquor is quicker!).
That was the Purim explanation, here's my NSV (non-scale victory)
All week I’ve been making CHOCOLATE for DH and my mishloach manot- and I haven’t ‘tasted’ any more than I had to for seasoning – honestly!!
Also, this Sunday, DH and I are renting a 15-person van and driving all our friends around in this ‘party van’ so they can get blooey while I’m driving – therefore preventing me from having drinks (AKA: points). I just wanted to post how excited I am to have found a way of participating without eating/drinking myself into a points hole I can’t get out of, how proud I am of myself for not eating tons of chocolate this week!
Go me…
I also have to say how proud I am of the mishloach manot. Each has the following:
Tappan Hill Brownie (three kinds of chocolate)
Raspberry chocolate moled pieces
White chocolate molded pieces
Cayene Pepper Chocolate Truffle topped with Hot Pepper-shaped Cinnamon Candy
Peanut Butter Chocolate Tuffle coated in crushed peanuts
Chocolate Hamentashen filled with Raspberry or Apricot
Chocolate-covered strawberries
Chocolate liquor cup, for which I will be passing out Godiva Chocolate liquor
They're so amazing!
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