Weekend Report
This was a terrible terrible weekend as far as WW goes. Friday night went alright- until avocados were on sale, and I made guacamole (using 4 avocados) for just four people- and we finished it. I had so much guac, I didn't even have the main course I had planned for myself- and then we proceeded to eat practically an entire box of meringues.
Shabbat afternoon was a chollent-fest at good friends' house, and I didn't do so poorly, mostly due to the presence of freshly steamed broccoli- thank you Mark! I did have three Matt's cookies and about 1/8 cup mixed nuts, but it's to be expected at a big lunch. I even went to work out Motzei Shabbat, and made a ton of chocolate for our mishloach manot- without testing more than I had to.
Sunday was another story. The day starts out so well- had a 1-point Slim U yogurt, went to exercise, and even remembered to take a 2-point cheese stick with me so I wasn't stuck without something to eat. We were going out to a L'Chaim (engagement party) for our good friends, Yosef & Tova (Mazel Tov, guys!), so I was 'smart' and ate about 1 cup of rice pilaf before we left- so I wouldn't be hungry, right? But Bryan had just bought Entemann's cinnamon rolls, and nobody would finish it. So I did. Still ok, I mean, I have my flex points- and I hadn't had that much yet...
So we get to the L'Chaim, and I start off so well- fresh peppers, eggplant salad, **ignore the cookies, ignore the brownies**, diet soda, have some more veggies- go for a smoke, get away from the food...
I noticed there were lox & bagel sandwiches available, so I thought, 'I should have this (I know the points, it's a relatively healthy lunch), so that I'm not craving the other stuff...' I had a full sandwich, and was truly full. But it didn't matter- the cake and cookies were still there, and I still wanted 'em.
So, giving in to the cake (which was devine, BTW), I split a piece with Yosef- then had another piece on my own about 1/2 hour later.
It got to the point where I was uncomfortably full- and still eating. Most of the time, I don't eat as much as I used to only out of sheer will. But doesn't there come a time where your cravings or your sensibilities about food change? I mean, why does someone (moi) who truly WANTS to change these behaviors, and who has been trying to do so for over a year, STILL have the same issues to deal with? And why does it have to be out of sheer will? Isn't there something I can do to feel differently about food, rather than simply acting differently around food?
Sun night, I continued to eat- popcorn, gulps of milk without measuring, bites from DH's chocolate peanut butter truffles, and finally a grilled cheese sandwich.
So, this morning I got up and exercised, packed low-point foods for the day, and resolved to start over.
And again, if need be!
Monday, March 01, 2004
My personal journey losing those last 10 pounds...
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