I am so exhausted -still- from Purim! We had an amazing time, drove a bunch of very drunk, very excitable boys around to about a dozen rabbis' houses, and then went to DH's concert that evening. But I'm still recovering! DH went to sleep at 7:30 on Monday night, I was up until 10:30, then DS (dear sister) called nervous about getting her wisdom teeth out, and we talked for an hour. Tuesday, I had planned to exercise but spent my first 1 1/2 hours home from work cooking dinner, then another 1 1/2 hours eating and watching TV, and still didn't make it to bed before 11:00 (which is my standard bed time). Last night, I had every intention of going to exercise, eating dinner, doing laundry & dishes, and generally straightening up the pigsty that doubles as our apartment. I managed to do one of the five! Why, oh why, didn't I just go to bed at 7:30 when I was tired. By the time I actually went to bed, I had caught a 'second wind' and couldn't sleep for another 45 minutes.
How does this relate to weight loss, you ask? I'll tell you. When I make a point of 'forcing' myself to exercise, I have more energy. But the loss of energy is a self-perpetuating downward spiral: I have no energy to exercise, I don't exercise, I don't get the energy boost, etc etc etc... I keep thinking that sleep will break me out of this cycle, but if I don't go to bed and just screw everything else (laundry/dishes/cleaning up/etc), I won't get sleep! DH did a bunch of dishes last night, but as is, the laundry STILL need to be done, my clothes are STILL strewn across the bedroom, the coffee table and dining room are STILL full of junk mail, papers and empty water bottles, and I STILL haven't gone to exercise or sleep!
So, this weekend I'm going to sleep and exercise. Shabbat morning I plan on dovening (praying) at Congregation Sha'arey Shaynah ('Gates of Sleep'), Sunday morning I plan on getting up for Curves, and having brunch at the in-laws, and by golly, I'm going to wash my clothes!
Y'know, unless I go shopping...
Thursday, March 11, 2004
My personal journey losing those last 10 pounds...
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