Wednesday, August 25, 2004


I've been diligently searching out the best of the best websites and blogs out there for weight loss support and entertainment, and have a couple to add to my blogroll.

Introducing The Curves Forum for members, owners and employees of Curves. You can find a challenge buddy, check out different locations' programs, promotions and hours, and generally discuss exercise the Curves way. Specifically, check out the Weight Watchers thread under "Dieting and Curves". This forum seems a lot more active than the forums previously linked on my blogroll.

Also in the forum category, check out Weigh Better, a "women's only support group for pursuing a fit and healthy lifestyle." When I first found the site, there was an article entitled "When Is A Coffee NOT a Coffee?" I was interested right away.

Finally, but certainly not least, I found a great blog by Ellewiz at I Lost Another Me!. While I haven't introduced myself yet, I've been following her blog daily on Bloglines, and really appreciate that there are other WW bloggers out there- who are posting on a fairly regular basis! Send encouraging comments.



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