Monday, July 19, 2004

First OT Post

This blog is what is referred to as a topical blog, in that I only post on one topic- Weight Watchers.  Every post until now has had a direct link to food, exercise, weight-loss and weight-loss related issues.  Today, I'm going to deviate just a bit from that and post about the Nine Days.  For a topical post in relation to the Nine Days, scroll down- I just posted one.
Rabbi Noah Weinberg writes:
Why did we cry in the generation of Moses? Because even after God took us out of Egypt, gave us the Manna, the Well and the Clouds of Glory, we still said He couldn't bring us into the land of Israel. We didn't trust in Him - because we lacked appreciation for all He'd done for us.

On Tisha B'Av, we have to take an accounting of ourselves. Are we grateful for all the Almighty has done for us - and do we trust Him?

Are we in pain because of our brothers' suffering? Do we believe the Almighty will assist us if we reach out to help fellow Jews? Of course! The Almighty wants His children to return to Him!

We are one people with one destiny. Each of us is responsible for the actions of the other. A handful of people dedicated to the cause of Jewish continuity has already made a lasting impact on our future. If we join together, we will surely merit to bring back the entire Jewish nation.

The temples were destroyed due to the Jewish people's penchant for sin'at chinam, or baseless hatred.  As a Jew in today's world, I take it as a personal responsibility to affect the rebuilding of the Temple, and to work for tikkun olam, to repair the world.  During this time of mourning, I believe that Jewish unity, understanding of others and baseless love for all Jews and all people, is what will bring redemption.
May this be a time of reflection, rededication, and revelation for all of Klal Yisroel.
Reflect with some of my favorite Jewish blogs, with much deeper thoughts than slurpee points:
Cara's World
Sklaro World
Cohen Head
Adi Eliyahu
Adam R Davis
Jewish Fringe
The Kosher Blog
Mommy's Going Meshugganah


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