Friday, July 16, 2004

An NSV to Rival All Others!

I'm wearing my sister's clothes!  First I will start by promising (sometime in the Jewish-time-near-future) to post some pictures, before and current.  With her permission, they will include a pic of Julie, my sister.  In the meantime, let it be known that my sister is Tiny, with a capital 'T'.  We have never, and I mean never, been able to share clothes- even as infants.  So, this past May when my mom came in for a CME conference, she brought me some clothes that had been abandoned at her house.  (For those of you who haven't fully moved out of your parents' house yet, you're most certainly familiar with the every-visit could-you-take-some-of-your-stuff-now speech.)  Needless to say, most of said clothing was enthusiastically donated to The Ark.  One piece, however, was a full-lengh sundress that has come back into style, and I've been holding onto it.  It's an 8, and I'm wearing it today!
It's a real exciting thought that I could share clothes with someone- and not rip/stretch them in the process.  I missed out on the doubling and tripling of wardrobes during summer camp and college, where if you don't have the perfect shirt for the late-night campfire, your bunkmate does, and where you can truly concentrate on finals and not do laundry because your floor captain has your backup outfit for the celebratory trip to the bar.  It's pretty awesome to be able to do it now- all I need is a bonfire with Kumbaya followed by a toga party complete with Watermelon Surprise!


At 2:46 PM, Blogger Becky said...

That should be your party at Howl at the Moon! With tubs of margaritas...


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