Thursday, July 01, 2004

This Week's WI

I just GAINed 0.6 pounds?! I’m pretty confused at this point. I journaled everything I put in my mouth, including the I’m-sick-and-need-ice-cream snacks! I exercised twice this week, and didn’t eat all my exercise points on those days, and I have 13.5 flex points left on the week.

I really think it’s water and variety. Last week’s WW meeting was about the three things you need to be successful on program: Balance, Variety and Moderation.

I have talked about before, so I’m not goin’ into it again now.

In my FIL’s (Father-In-Law) words, ‘everything in moderation’. Note: this is different than DH’s words, ‘everything in moderation’. I think I’ve got this down, and it’s relatively self-explanatory.

In a WW sense, variety does two major things for you- It makes you feel that you’re not missing out on certain items. If you have fish, meat, dairy, carbohydrates, and vegetables at different times during the week, there’s nothing you feel you’re specifically missing (unlike carb-restricted diets. Atkins-booooo!). Variety also does something very important physiologically. When you eat the same foods at the same times every day, your metabolism will become accustomed to the nutrient break-down in those foods, and become very efficient at utilizing the food you take in. However, when you change up the types of foods you eat, your body has to adjust to the different foods- and tends to use it less ‘efficiently’, resulting in burning more fat. ***someone help me out here, I know I’m not explaining it properly from a technical point of view.***

Basically, in the last couple weeks, I haven’t had the time/energy to make varied menus and prepare many different kinds of foods. I’ve mostly be relying upon my stock always-in-the-house items. PB&J on wheat bread, Kashi Good Friends with Soy Milk, lox on flour tortilla with light cream cheese, etc. I think it’s time to break out some different nutrient sources- chicken, beef and beans have all been notably missing from my diet over the last couple weeks. I’m hoping that will help jump-start my metabolism again.

I must note, however, I have been quite amiss in drinking my water. I used to strive for 100 oz a day, and now I’m lucky if I get even a couple glasses in. That is my official focus for the next week- so if you see lots of random posts saying ‘32 oz to go’, you now know why.

I also have been kinda letting go on exercise. I did exercise this week, but it consisted of one long walk and one hour of yoga, neither of which were aerobic. I have a walk-away-the-pounds video at home, and I really have little to no excuse not to do it and get my heart pumping a little bit, at least. I’m not making it an official focus, though, ‘cause I also have a cold. I hate to be sweaty with a cold- it just makes me feel like my nose is running all the more.

Ok, that’s my self-analysis for the week. Remember what all those smart leaders say: The number on the scale is just feedback- not failure!


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