Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Core Plan Journal Corrections

For those who are actually getting points/plan information from me (and keep in mind I'm a lowly member- find a leader!!), please be advised that yesterday I reported my Sugar-Free Vanilla Soy Latte from Starbucks was a core food. I've since realized that the Silk soy milk that Starbucks uses is not fat free, and therefore not a core food. So my latte, a grande, was actually 4 points. Please adjust your journal as necessary.

And, as I suspected, I had the plan wrong- and I'll probably pay for it dearly later this week. I believe, and I'm going to confirm this afternoon at an additional meeting, that not ALL cheeses are core foods, as previously reported, but only fat-free cheeses and dairy products are core. It's another bummer for us kosher-keepers out there because there simply aren't fat free cheeses readily available. I had a hell of a time finding a light cheddar cheese let alone a fat free variety.

And there goes my weekly points allowance- I think I ate about 10 points of cheese yesterday. Ooops.


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