I Can Quit Smoking!
I haven't blogged in quite some time, I know. I have good reasons for not blogging, the best of which being is that this is my blog and I don't hafta if I don't wanna...The biggest development weight-wise is that I lost 1.6 last week, bringing me to 2 pounds away from goal. That means it is time to psyche myself into quitting smoking. I knew it would be a foolish venture to attempt to lose 50 pounds and quit smoking at the same time, so I afforded myself however much time I needed to lose the weight, and then quit smoking. Well, 2 pounds from goal means my quit-time is nearly here. I promise myself I will not subconsciously (or consciously, for that matter) sabotage myself and not reach goal so as to not have to quit smoking yet. To that end, it's time to start getting myself mentally ready to quit. This is how I have successfully approached most of the major life changes I have undertaken- keeping more strict kashrut, keeping Shabbat, losing weight, etc. For weeks, or months if I need it, I gear up my mind to the idea of the new challenge, and then I just do it- 100% wholly and completely do it. It's kinda cold-turkey, but because I've had the weeks to get used to the idea, it's not nearly as traumatic as just dropping it out of the blue. Turns out this is a tried-and-true strategy for many people!

I joined a free online smoking cessation program through the American Lung Association, entitled FFS: Freedom From Smoking. The program has a number of modules, each of which has a number of lessons. There are also online message boards for support, and they are heavily trafficked, so if you're having a rough time when you really want a puff, there's a good chance someone is online to talk you out of it. Each day, you do one lesson, some of which involve 'homework'. For example, the first homework assignment is to post on the message board who you are, what your concerns are about quitting smoking, and why you're quitting. My homework post is here. The other big thing about the program is that you do three weeks worth of lessons before you quit smoking. Today's lesson, my third, had the first mention of a quit date- three weeks from now. So that's my three weeks to lose 2 pounds, and to psyche myself up to quit.
Wish me luck, something says I'm going to need it!
good luck becky. You'll be fine.
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