Lazy Sunday Afternoon...
I slept until 11, went to work for three hours, went to the dentist, went shopping, cleaned up the kitchen, made bridal shower invitations for Miryam (mazel tov!), and am now blogging while DH picks up a movie for us to watch. And it felt like a lazy Sunday. I believe my perception is a bit off.I haven't been eating well lately... I used to be so conscious of everything I put in my mouth, how long it had been since I last ate, how long it would be until I would eat again, etc etc etc. Now, I have to be careful I don't eat dairy when I'm fleshig- and I only keep three hours in between! In some respects, it's a bit 'freeing' not to be wholly consumed by food, but on the other hand, I'm not losing any weight- I'm gaining a bit, at that. I think I'm going to try to strike a balance between what once was and what is now.
Because I've been behind at work and wanted to spend time catching up today (hooray for comp time), I didn't have the 3 hours to plan out my meals and menus for the week. I picked out three tried and true recipes, and will make them over the course of the week. I know I have to work late a couple times during this week, but I will finally make a decision as to exercise- Separate note: I've been considering dumping my Curves membership in favor of a regular gym membership, but there will be another post outlining the relevant issues in the near future.
As my blogging probably reflects, my mind is in a million places when it comes to being OP. Do I want to stay completely, 100% OP? Am I content to just float along? Is it worth it to go the last 10 pounds? etc etc etc. I'm guessing these are completely normal reactions to the weight-loss process. Whatever, I'll meander my way through it.
Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.
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