Monday, September 13, 2004

Unexpected Microwave Feature

DH and I recently got new appliances, and I have discovered a unique feature of our new microwave. There are sensor cooking buttons on our microwave, one of which is a 'reheat' feature. Simply put your food in the microwave, hit 'reheat', and voila- a perfectly warmed meal with no figuring out how long or at what power level to nuke. Lst night, I put together a plate of chicken, brown rice and sqaghetti-squash and aparagus bake, covered lightly, and placed it in the microwave. I hit 'reheat'- and a couple of minutes later the machine gave me the 'attention' beep (rather than the 'I'm done' beep). The display read: "Feature for Single Serving Only".

Apparently, the 'reheat' feature is also a portion control feature!


At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of like a smart-ass scale that says, "Hey! One at a time!"


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