Friday, September 10, 2004

Eating as a Chore

Before I started Weight Watchers, I couldn't understand people who complained about having to eat. Who in their right mind wouldn't want to eat?! Food, glorious food, sweet, salty, smooth and scrumptious!

I'm starting to understand.

When you're not addicted to food, which I feel like I may not be so much anymore, sometimes- I dare say- eating can be a chore.

This morning I was doing my filing (eww- work), and started to get shaky. I was on such a roll with my work, and here I have to interrupt it to eat something. Stupid shakies. You see, "normal" people can just wait to eat if they're on a roll with something. "Normal" people can go more than 3 hours without eating. Me? When I need to eat, zeh hu, I need to eat. Everything else takes second place- get me food. It really sucks! Sometime in my life, I'd really like to know what it's like to go about my life without planning to have a cheese stick in the bottom of my purse. To go to work with a normal size lunch without throwing a banana in, just in case. To be able to say, I'm hungry, and that not mean, I'm going to get disoriented and pass out if I don't eat in the next 20 minutes. Don't get me wrong, thank G-d this is my biggest problem! But still, it's a problem none the less, and what kind of Jewish woman would I be if I didn't complain about my problems?


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