Chicago, IL.
Becky Goldberg, a lifetime weight-watcher who recently lost her weight-watching ways while pregnant with her beautiful and healthy son Avi, performed an amazing feat of on-program-ness on Wednesday. Spurred on by a devastating trip to Field's dress department wherein she left the store frusterated and in tears, the 29-year old wife and mother made a plan for the day, measured all of her food, improvised with salad and fat free dressing when she felt like nashing, and topped the day off with a 1-point Giant Chocolate Bar. While her continued success remains to be seen, she has made an excellent start today, arriving at work with healthy, balanced and low-point foods in tow. When asked for comment, Mrs. Goldberg exclaimed, "This is so I can be one of the little people!"
It's a Boy!
I've been on a blogging hiatus, as is painfully obvious to anyone who still has the RSS feed for this blog. I've also been on a WW hiatus, as is painfully obvious to anyone to has seen me recently. There's a lot of pressure associated with reopening a blog- will your old audience still be paying attention? Will you live up to the witty, insightful or at least readable posts of old? If the blog was nicely wrapped up with a final post full of inspiration and achievement, is it appropriate to continue with that blog or to start a new one? And most of all, what will you say in your first post?
I've been pondering this first post back for some time now. I've come to the conclusion that posting it is the first step in overcoming the uncomfortable silence I feel between me and my online audience. I feel much as if I'm sitting across a Starbucks coffee table from an old flame with whom I've lost contact. So.... um, hi. I've meant to keep in touch, it's just... I mean... I think about you from time to time... Do you remember me at all? Life? Oh, yeah- life is going great, just great. Yours? Going great? That's great. Really... great.
Alas, here I am. The past year has been full of wonderful and terrible happenings, as most years are. I'm sure the events of the past year will come out as I post, so I'm not going to list them out here- I don't feel it would do justice to the gravity of each event to simply give a chronology. I will however, mention the reason I've been on hiatus: That's right, kiddies, I had a baby. Avraham Yosef was born on January 16, 2006, the 16th of Tevet, at 2:16 p.m. He's beautiful, perfect, and we are all just thrilled that he's here, me most of all.

Seeing as how I'm no longer pregnant, it's time to reenter the measuring, counting and tracking life of a Weight Watcher. I've actually been on program for near a week now. I'll get into all that in future posts, but I feel good about it. I'm able to eat OP quite easily considering I get as many points as I do- I could have 40 points/day, and still have a handful of flex points to spare! I'm looking for a new meeting, and contemplating exercise.
Here's the other uncomfortable point. How to wrap it up? Well... it was great seeing you! We should do this again real soon. Right. So... I'm going to get going now. I'll call you...
From Simcha to Simcha
I've lost hundreds upon hundreds of pounds on Weight Watchers. Of those hundreds, 48.8 pounds haven't come back. I used to look like this...

I now look like this...

Ok, so I don't always look like that... I need a professional makeup artist, a personal shopper at Bloomingdales (thanks, Cara), and about 2 hours lead time. But you know what I mean. The first picture was taken at our wedding in October, 2002. The second, at my brother in law's wedding in October, 2004.
From simcha to simcha- hazak hazak, v'nithazek!
Blender Buying Business
Becky’s bouncing to Bed Bath and Beyond to buy a blender because blogging buddy,
Elle, boasted of brilliance: blending berries for breakfast!
But Becky believes before buying a blender, a breakdown of blender basics is befitting.
Becky beseeches bloggers beyond Becky’s bosom buddies: briefly bestow a background on blender basics because by bedtime, Becky will break in a beautiful brand-new blender.
May a blessing be bestowed on you for benefiting Becky’s bid at the blender-buying business.
J-E-L-L-O! K-O-S-H-E-R!
I don't know if this is a recent development, but Jell-O brand Fat Free Pudding Snacks are O-U, D, and they're a great grab-and-go chocolate fix.
I'm Loving this Tea!

Lately, I've been trying to ween myself away from caffeine- I found I was getting random middle-of-the-day headaches on weekends, when I generally don't start my day with a triple-shot latte...
I have 'discovered' and fallen in love with Bencheley's Decaf French Vanilla Tea. I drink it with International Delights Fat-Free Vanilla creamer and 1 packet of sugar, and it's divine! I have to go to Treasure Island Foods in Chicago to get the Bencheley's, but it's entirely worth it.
Kosher Laughing Cow!

For two years, I've been hearing about Laughing Cow spreadable cheese triangles. Alas, they are not kosher, and I have been looking for a kosher equivalent in vain... until now.
Schmerling's light kosher swiss cheese is 1 point per triangle, or 3 points for two. Very light flavor, as in not too overpowering, and smooth-smooth-smooth. My only 1/2 complaint is with the "spreadable" aspect... as in, it doesn't spread well. But, 1 triangle sliced into 1/4-inch thick slices that completely covered my bagel this morning, and I had a little corner left over to pop in my mouth as an apperitif! I found this for under $4.00 at Jewel on Howard Street in Skokie, IL, for those of you in the Chicago area.
Goal Gift
My goal gift to myself:
Nice, eh? So warm, so comfy, so trendy! These babies are getting me through the next two months of Chicago winter. Now I have to figure out what to wear them with!