Thursday, December 02, 2004

It's My Blog and I'll Bitch if I Want To

The holiday WW meetings are back. You know the ones I'm talking about- where each meeting revolves around the member who joined last week desperately wanting to lose 10 pounds before her office's holiday party, or the one who complains there's simply nothing she can turn down at her family's Christmas dinner, no matter what. I hate this time of year at WW, because many of the meetings revolve around people who are 'short-termers'. They're here to get through (or prepare for) the holidays, and will quit WW (or hit their lifetime goal of a whole 17 pounds) within a month. HELLO!! I've been here for two years, and I'll be around in another two!! Come June, guess who will be sitting in this freaking meeting while you're complaining that your string bikini just won't do because you absolutely must lose 2 pounds. boo hoo hoo, don’t come crying around here with your perky ass and size 2 stomach- no one feels bad for you.

I am really suffering from a serious case of WW burn-out. How can someone be 2 pounds from goal for 8 months? That’s fucked up, ok? I just can’t be bothered with it, whatever it happens to be- I can’t be bothered to count my flex points, I can’t be bothered to buy and prepare veggies and fruits, I can’t be bothered to make menus, I certainly can’t be bothered to go to the gym, etc etc etc. I’m sick and tired of watching my entire meeting turn over while I sit patiently in the back waiting for SOMEone to understand what it’s like to have been on program for a year or more, or to have lost 50 pounds (or more than 25, for that matter).

While I was sitting in my meeting today, I realized I could benefit from a specialty WW meeting for those who have a lot to lose, or had a lot to lose, or for close-to-goalers, or long-timers. Somewhere that the newbie next to you isn’t going to say, ‘well, I make my menus every week and count every point, and I’m so very good about portion control, and I like working out.’ Sure, twiggy, I’m sure it was easy doing that the entire time you’ve been with WW- the whole 3 weeks! Talk to me when you’ve been here as long as I have. I guess I’m suffering from a bit of seniority syndrome. As of now, there is only one person going to my meeting who has been there as long as I have, and I don’t think there’s anyone who has lost as much weight as me (at this point, I’ve lost more than my leader has). Having lost close to the most and having been there close to the longest I guess I feel like a senior. Seniors are usually mentors… but I still need a mentor. Or at least a peer.

I really appreciate the group of gals on my WW Friends message board. When I suggest shooting for 100 oz water/day to friends and co-WW meeting attendees, I get looks like I suggested they amputate a foot to lose weight. My gals understand- and better yet, they do it with me. We actually do post our daily plans, we actually do stay within our points, we actually do live real lives and throw in the towel sometimes. We’re not perfect WWers, but most importantly, we’re ok with that- and we know what it’s like to be in it for the long haul. I could use a WW meeting with each and every one of them in it…


At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your kind of an angry Santa - not very attractive!

At 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we talk about all of the junk that comes into the house during the holidays!!!??? I just finished standing in front of my pantry tasting the nuts and crackers and chocolate gelt which I have in the house for Chanukah "for the kids"...who are now in their twenties and thirties and don't even live at home anymore! Guess who eats all of the stuff for the "kids"!!! Have been on WW for over a year...done very well and am 15 lbs. from goal...but this holiday stuff is bad news. Have done WW many times before and have been successful this time, but at this rate it's going to H in a handbasket. Guess some reframing is in order and, also, getting rid of the stuff "for the Kids". Love your blog, you are smart, savvy and right on about a lot of things. Congratulations on all of our successes...let's keep up the good work.

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Becky said...

Anonymous commenter #1: Read the post title.
Anonymous commenter #2: **blush** Thanks.

At 10:59 AM, Blogger Esther Kustanowitz said...

Oh, I hear you. Tis the season to be grumpy.

This is my third time on WW in the past three years, and this time, I've lost a whopping five pounds since August. Not at ALL frustrating. I hate journaling, and even started a new exercise program (my old one, 5x a week of high-intensity interval cardio apparently was not working). I find the meetings absolutely painful: "I wanted a chocolate cookie, so I drank some mineral water and I was satisfied," or "I'm eating only my 24 points (of ice cream), so why am I not losing?" Uggh.

All their tips for cutting calories are useless to me, because I already eat healthy. Use spray instead of butter or oil? Already do. Fat-free cheese? I'm there. High fiber choices? Salads? Sorbet? Fruit? I'm all over it already.

Like I said, I'm grumpy. I hate going to meetings, I hate weighing in, and I hate journaling. But I'm still counting. I'm still glad to be 30 lbs lighter--but that I have another 50 to go is the insurmountable problem.

You need to not be frustrated by the 2 pounds, even though it's easy for me to say. You've done a great job, and there are many of us out here who wish they were in your situation.

Happy Chanukah!


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